is now become the world's most powerful medium for making friends. We often create many friends in facebook for many reasons. For example, not only for fun but also for different games or business purposes we create friends in facebook.
But a main problem to create many friends in face
book that we have to confirm the friend request individually. I do not want to do this is so and so today I will share a tips with you which is small but highly effective. I hope it will work fine. Just follow a simple step bellow……
book that we have to confirm the friend request individually. I do not want to do this is so and so today I will share a tips with you which is small but highly effective. I hope it will work fine. Just follow a simple step bellow……
Indeed, you must first login to your facebook account. Than go to find friend. Than just copy the following code and past it to your browser’s address bar and press enter. Than you will see that all of the friends requests will be confirmed automatically. If you have a lot of pending friend requests then you can use the code repeatedly.
javascript:for( i = 1;i<document.getElementsByName("actions[accept]").length;i++){document.getElementsByName("actions[accept]")[i].click();}void(0);
Accept 100 friend requests at a time in Facebook |
Thank you everyone. Please post a comment to inspire me…..
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